(Simulator without Archos remote control):
CDC simulator without Archos
remote control and without Archos power supply
Simulation of the communication
between CDC and car radio/navigation system (Panasonic CDC protocol)
Shortcut protected against shorts
to 12V and GND
Debug-Interface (only with special
Automatic boot-up/shutdown of
the uC (simulator switched off when ignition is off)
Audio connections are routed through
the simulator board
Connection of any other audio
source possible (not Archos specific)
Easy connection:
1 connection to the car radio/navigation
system (CDC communication)
1 connection to the audio source
EMC circuit to prevent interference
to/from the cars power network
Pad area for user specific peripheral
HW documentation (schematic, PCB
data, part lists) you'll find in the download
AJB" (Simulator with Archos remote control and power supply):
CDC simulator with Archos
remote control and with Archos power supply
as "CDC-Emu" but additionally
Remote control of the Archos player
via keys of the car radio/navigation system
Different key
assignments according to the radio/navigation system
Automatically sets the Archos
to paused when changing from CDC to radio mode at the radio
Over voltage protected 9V/250mA
(short peak max. 1A) power supply for AJB on-board
Of course, the 9V power supply
can be used for any other external 9V audio sources
Additional connections:
Audio connection contains remote
control signal
1 connection to the external 9V
power supply of the AJB (or other device)
Since HW V1.3: Open remote control
interface for other players (requires own additional HW & SW)
HW documentation (schematic, PCB
data, part lists) you'll find in the download
Here is a little movie
that demonstrates the operation a little bit.
Car-PC" (Simulator with enhanced serial output):
Because of frequent questions
about a integration of the CDC simulator into own PC applications, I developed
a version with enhanced serial output.
The SW is not
radio specific adapted and does not have the Archos remote control
A possible application could
be e.g. a Car-PC solution:
MP3, DVD, navigation (etc.) on
the Car-PC.
Radio display driver (e.g. video
input of VW MFD) via own PC or uC.
Enabling the audio inputs of the
CDC connector via CDC simulator.
Operation via radio keys.
Passing on the key press information
from the radio via the serial interface of the CDC simulator.
Modification of information shown
on the radio display (CD#, track#, minutes, seconds) via the serial interface
the CDC simulator.
Due to radio specific behaviour,
this feature will probably only work with radios (e.g. VW MCD, MFD), that
do not do any plausibility checks with key presses on the radio.
Therefore this feature must be tested individually with the respective
A "real" control of the radio
(or display of any text etc.) via the serial interface is not possible,
due to protocol reasons.
Controlling Winamp should demonstrate,
how an interface via DLL can be realised.
Since V1.2 of the demonstration
program, it's also possible to control any application (e.g. CES) by sending
key shortcuts to the application. This requires, that the application already
provides all necessary functions as shortcuts, or that these can be configured
in the application.
Further technical information,
please see here (only
HW documentation (schematic,
PCB data, part lists) you'll find in the download
The "Car-PC" version of the CDC
simulator sends serial codes to the PC's RS232.
With that received commands, it's
possible to control e.g. Winamp
or CES.
You can find a demonstration program
in the downloads, that shows the
basic principle:
The program starts and closes
Winamp, when it is started and closed.
While exiting the application,
it saves the current play position, so it is able to continue at the same
position on next start.
After start-up (depends on the
INI file configuration), the current data (CD#, track#, min., sec.) is
transmitted to the CDC simulator and the radio display is updated with
that information.
The main areas of the program
do have the following functions:
"Manual Control": Manual
control of Winamp with buttons.
"Serial Control": Winamp
control via RS232 (serial commands coming from the "Car-PC" CDC simulator).
"Update Radio Display":
Update of the radio display with the entered values.
"Current Song Title" und "Current
Song Info": Title and information about the current playing song.
"Serial Trace": Log of
the received data bytes from the CDC simulator.
Manual and serial control can
be executed in parallel.
The controlling principles for
Winamp and per shortcut are slightly differing in functionalities (see
documentation inside the ZIP file).
You will find further information
in the documentation inside the ZIP file.

CDC / radio / navigation system protocols:
The CDC simulator supports
the Panasonic CD changer protocol from and to the CD changer.
CDC to radio / navigation
system: Simulation of a Panasonic CD changer.
Radio / navigation system
to CDC: Conversion of the radio/navi system key presses into remote
control commands on the serial interface.
Further protocols could be
implemented any time, but currently there are no plans for that.
The protocol is not
compatible to the ones used in Blaupunkt or Panasonic radios you can by
on the after market !